File information |
Filename: | 201523623.jpg |
Album name: | martheijnens / Flowers blue/violet |
Keywords: | Plant / struik / Lamiaceae / Bloem / blauw |
Photonumber, location and date: | 201523623, East Timor/Atauro Island, 21-02-2015 |
Habitat: | Coastal sand dunes and sandy seashores. Found in teak forest, secondary forest and thickets at elevations up to 1,100 metres, but also in mangrove forest and along the shore. highly tolerant of salt in the air and in the soil. |
Flowering time: | All year round |
Origin/distribution, remarks: | Widespread in the tropics and subtropics from east Africa, through Asia to northern Australia and the Pacific Islands. V. trifolia has often been cultivated, but has escaped and become naturalized in some areas. |
Filesize: | 226 KiB |
Date added: | Sep 17, 2022 |
Dimensions: | 1600 x 1200 pixels |
Displayed: | 23 times |
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