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Home > Plants and flowers > Europe > Flowers white

Euphrasia rostkoviana
Eyebright, Eyewort (Eng) Beklierde Ogentroost (Ned) Bergaugentrost (Ger)
Keywords: Plant;Orobanchaceae;Bloem;wit;roze;geel

Euphrasia rostkoviana

Eyebright, Eyewort (Eng) Beklierde Ogentroost (Ned) Bergaugentrost (Ger)

File information
Album name:martheijnens / Flowers white
Keywords:Plant / Orobanchaceae / Bloem / wit / roze / geel
Photonumber, location and date:202378538, Austria/Styria/Modriach surr. [N 46 56 45.1 E015 02 48.3], 17-09-2023
Habitat:Meadows, pasture and grassy areas, including by seashores. Hemiparasite
Flowering time:July - September
Origin/distribution, remarks:Native to Europe and Western Asia; naturalized in the USA.
Filesize:262 KiB
Date added:Oct 24, 2023
Dimensions:1600 x 1200 pixels
Displayed:38 times
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