File information |
Filename: | 202234978.jpg |
Album name: | martheijnens / Flowers blue, lila, violet |
Keywords: | Plant / Boraginaceae / Bloem / blauw |
Photonumber, location and date: | 202234978, Estonia/Tartumaa/along road 42/between Mustvee and Kallaste [N 58 44 19.9 E027 04 30.5], 13-06-2022 |
Habitat: | Grassy heaths, on dry field and roadsides, in hedgerows, fallow land, vineyards, sand dunes, on rubble, open pastures and river alluvions. |
Flowering time: | May - Autumn |
Origin/distribution, remarks: | Native to East Asia. Culture related; with human migrations Anchusa officinalis has spread to Europe. Small populations found in North and South America. Occasionally used as a medicinal plant. |
Filesize: | 179 KiB |
Date added: | Jul 06, 2022 |
Dimensions: | 1600 x 1200 pixels |
Displayed: | 47 times |
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Favorites: | Add to Favorites |