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Home > Plants and flowers > Europe > Flowers blue, lila, violet

Ajuga reptans
Bugleweed (Eng) Kruipend Zenegroen (Ned) Kriechender Günsel (Ger)
Keywords: Plant;Lamiaceae;Bloem;blauw

Ajuga reptans

Bugleweed (Eng) Kruipend Zenegroen (Ned) Kriechender Günsel (Ger)

File information
Album name:martheijnens / Flowers blue, lila, violet
Keywords:Plant / Lamiaceae / Bloem / blauw
Photonumber, location and date:201324647, Austria/Sankt Gallen surr., 21-05-2013
Habitat:Woods and wet pastures, along ditches, dikes and in roadsides.
Flowering time:April - June
Origin/distribution, remarks:Native to Europe. It is invasive in parts of North America. Grown as a garden plant it provides useful groundcover. Numerous cultivars have been selected.
Filesize:148 KiB
Date added:Sep 27, 2016
Dimensions:1200 x 900 pixels
Displayed:45 times
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