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Pachyrhizus erosus
Yam bean, Jicama, Mexican Turnip (Eng) Man kaeo (Thai) Yamboon (Ned) - Leaves
Keywords: Plant;Fabaceae;Bloem;violet;wit;cultuurgewas

Pachyrhizus erosus

Yam bean, Jicama, Mexican Turnip (Eng) Man kaeo (Thai) Yamboon (Ned) - Leaves

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File information
Album name:martheijnens / Flowers blue/violet
Keywords:Plant / Fabaceae / Bloem / violet / wit / cultuurgewas
Photonumber, location and date:201465102, Thailand/Eastern Thailand/That Phanom-Mukdahan [N 16 50.747 E104 45.424], 17-07-2014
Habitat:Grows naturally in moderately humid subtropical and tropical climates, generally frost-free areas with annual lows of 11 to 25°C, annual highs of 24 to 35°C and annual rainfall of 900 to 2500 mm.
Origin/distribution, remarks:Native to Mexico. In the 17th century introduced to Asia by the Spanish. The plant is often cultivated for its edible root and seedpods in tropical areas. Leaves and mature seed may be toxic to humans.
Filesize:220 KiB
Date added:Mar 31, 2024
Dimensions:1600 x 1200 pixels
Displayed:20 times
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